Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Paper St Kilda

Artist Deirdre Nelson has arrived in Dunedin and while resident in the Caselberg House is busy researching her St Kilda project which highlights contemporary St Kildans of Scotland, New Zealand and Australia.  You can find the latest on her project here - The Kildas

Last week I was in Wellington and made my way to National Archives to see what paper records I could find. Since I like looking back at the past I was not disappointed and learnt some interesting new things. I had not known about the Bird Islands off St Kilda or that there are some rocks off the coast of Kaikoura also named St Kilda. Next stop is the Hocken Library this Saturday.

Lovely stamps

St Kilda Post Office blueprints

St Kilda Rocks off the East Coast of the South Island, near Kaikoura