Friday, June 22, 2012


Love how this student (Justine) in my 'Print and Page' class processes brainstorming - spills of ink create a non liner format to record around. Reminds me of the way Frida Kahlo would approach her diary pages - beginning with some ink splodges.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Narrative Page

Kiri rolling out the colour

overprinting onto a photocopied page

Ita's ginko leaf prints

gel printed pages being assembled for book making

Jasmine's printing onto silk
Marion added her own lovely handmade papers

Jane introducing book making techniques
maps, wallpaper, sewing patterns, flax paper- textural delights

Marion's finished book

 What a productive Sunday - ten talented ladies from Wanaka and Dunedin participated in a 'narrative page' course. I taught gelatine printing and then Jane taught a bookbinding process where the prints and other papers could be collated together to create a personalised textural and visual book. We all had a blast and appreciated being able to spread out in the textiles department at the School of Art.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Teaching - Print and Page

I am juggling teaching in a few different classes this month - needless to say the car is full of 'just in case' materials! These images from the Print and Page elective I am co- teaching at the School of Design with my talented bookbinder friend Jane Armour. Students have been taught various techniques and are now undertaking their own projects. This work by Charlotte involves enlarging a letter, linking the text and now she is cutting away the negative spaces to create a large curtain - like an enlarged page. This work also fits nicely with her field - interior design.

Friday, June 1, 2012

A chance to win!

Here's one of the 'spot prizes' for people who brave the winter and pop into the opening of '3' at Solander Gallery on Wednesday night - June 6th. (French link stitch binding, black pages, hand screenprinted cover)